"I don't need much sleep." "I pulled an all-nighter." "I can always catch up." We have the illusion that we control what happens in our brains, that we can forgo a sleeping state in favor of a waking one without penalty. No, not true. There is a price to pay- you may decide it is worth the price, but the billions of brain cells and their trillions of connections will have … [Read more...]
Sleep and Dementia: A Version of Pascal’s Wager
My guess is that poor sleep, over months and years, increases your risk of dementia, most commonly AD (Alzheimer's Disease). I think of a night of poor sleep as a blow to the head, and its effects are cumulative over a lifetime. Remember how boxers and football players accumulate tiny injuries and micro tears of brain tissue: dementia pugilistica and traumatic … [Read more...]
Keep Calm and Sleep: Your Personal Prime Performance Plan – Meeting Your Deadline
Whether facing a big test, sports competition, or a major life event, you need a personalized plan. You must address sleep, attention, and stress to meet your deadline. We help you with all three. What are you preparing for? A Big Test or Exam, such as: Bar exam, Finals, Dissertation Sports competition, such as: Race, Golf Tournament, Tennis Match, Team … [Read more...]
FAQ for Sleep Therapy Terminology
Don't lose sleep over all the technical terms associated with sleep therapy. To help you better understand "sleep" terminology we have a FAQ page with helpful and easy-to-understand definitions. Click Here to access. … [Read more...]
The Many Faces of Sleep: Awake Feeling Rested
All right, already....We are about to become accustomed or even bored by the stream of news and research reports. Yes, lack of sleep could be a causal factor in obesity, depression, suicide, hypertension, diabetes, cancers, immune system defects, addiction relapse, attention deficit problems, dementia, mitochondrial energy lapses, and much besides. My friends and patients are … [Read more...]