Are depression, addiction, alcoholism, and anxiety really like medical conditions such as asthma or diabetes? Click HERE for Dr. Ross Grumet's post on why medical analogies don't work that well in mental health and addictions. … [Read more...]
RDoC: What is That?
Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) helps explain psychiatric diagnosis, brain circuits, and new research to patients. Click HERE for more comments on RDoC by Ross F. Grumet, M.D. … [Read more...]
My Biggest Mistake In Addiction Medicine
For alcohol, tobacco, drug, and other substance use problems, are the changes to brain circuits permanent or not? Click HERE for considerations from Dr. Ross Grumet and his biggest mistake in addiction medicine. … [Read more...]
Less Sleep Equals Larger Waistlines
According to a recent study quoted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) American waistlines are on the rise. In the past few years, men and women have had to extend their belts over a full inch. The study cites one of the main causes of this increase in waistline as lack of sleep, contributing to the expanding obesity epidemic. There are techniques such as cognitive … [Read more...]
Invocations and Prayers for Insomnia
As I am working intermittently on chapters for an e-book, I have realized that it may help two groups who have suffered insomnia. First are those who can learn and apply something I have learned and communicated; second are those who will activate a deep boredom and drift off. Today I offer these lines from Robert Burns (mis)quoted by W.B. Yeats: The white moon is setting … [Read more...]